
Monday, July 25, 2005

Yes, I karaoke now--someone shut the mike off! Posted by Picasa

tall buildings built to stay up! Posted by Picasa

crowded city Tokyo Posted by Picasa

Still standing, Tokyo! Posted by Picasa

those who ventured out after the earthquake! Posted by Picasa

Mr. Sqiggly Octopus, our waitress, and Hiroshi Posted by Picasa

Looks like desert, its actually a huge oyster! Posted by Picasa

which is safer, the boat or the dock? Posted by Picasa

Far from home!! Posted by Picasa

in the hole of the mountain! Posted by Picasa

a little more room in the tunnel Posted by Picasa

closer than an MRI! Posted by Picasa

See the critter at the base of the center stick? Posted by Picasa

Dragon boat to be blessed Posted by Picasa

Part of a Dragon Boat blessing ceremony Posted by Picasa

okinowa at dusk Posted by Picasa

Can you see me? Posted by Picasa

My Okinowa team Posted by Picasa

Tatami mats-sleeps 10 Posted by Picasa

Borneo boat-aka: yellow taxi! Posted by Picasa

my Borneo Bumpkins Posted by Picasa

mommy and baby Posted by Picasa

Get out of her way! Posted by Picasa

the best Indian restaurant in Borneo! Posted by Picasa

Go Yankees? In Borneo? Yes, I miss NYC! Posted by Picasa